Chronic Ankle Sprain

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Chronic Ankle Sprain

What is Chronic Ankle Sprain?

Chronic ankle sprain, also known as chronic ankle instability, occurs due to an inadequate treatment method during the acute ankle sprain phase. It is characterized by feeling “loose” in the ankle and recurrent ankle sprain. Patients often complain that they will twist their ankles every now and then. Patients with chronic ankle sprains may also have other underlying ankle injuries that contribute to the swelling and pain of the ankle, such as talar dome injuries.

What is chronic ankle sprain?

Causes of Chronic Ankle Sprain

There are two causes of chronic ankle sprains – loss of structural integrity and functional instability.

Loss of structural integrity occurs when there is significant injury or tear in the 3 lateral ankle ligaments – the anterior talofibular ligament, posterior talofibular ligament, or the calcaneofibular ligament.

Functional instability occurs when the ankle did not undergo proper rehabilitation. An acute ankle sprain causes proprioception, muscle coordination and postural control to be affected, and these are responsible for maintaining balance.

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Ankle Sprain

Signs and symptoms of chronic ankle sprain include:

  • Dull aching pain over the ankle after prolonged activity
  • Chronic swelling at the ankle
  • Feeling a sense of instability when walking, or feeling as if the foot is going to “give way”
  • Recurrent twisting of the ankle when walking
  • Hypermobile or excessive range of motion at the ankle

Chronic Ankle Sprain Management in Singapore

Management of chronic ankle sprain involves treating any injured ligaments and a process of ankle rehabilitation.

Treatment options in Singapore include:

Your medical professional should guide you through the proper recovery process for your ankle injury, and it is essential to follow the advice carefully.

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